I like winter, it’s the occasion for me to wear my beautiful coats and to dress with another part of my wardrobe. But it’s also a season in which the parks are less alive, people don’t take time to go for a stroll because of the cold, or because of the lack of envy.
Today I wanted to talk about some greenery and to talk naturally.
It turns out that among the simple pleasures in one’s life (the more important ones) there is one that I have a fondness for.
This pleasure, you guessed it, is the one of a plain walk in nature. Feeling the wind moving your hair and fresh air filling your lungs, there is nothing like to revitalize yourself.
When I have an excursion in Bordeaux I really like to go at the Parc Bordelais to walk. “Yes but it’s winter” you will tell me, I would answer that it’s not a good reason. Go to the Parc Bordelais, even in winter it’s an enjoyable park. Of course it’s not warmer, but it’s always nice to see some green and to take your time.
The Parc Bordelais is a big park in downtown Bordeaux, with a great stretch of water in the middle from a bit more than 1.2 hectares. The total surface is about 28 hectares and was made at the 19th century, initially, it was made to be a public promenade.
Furthermore, I recently discovered that there are some QR codes arranged in the park and that those codes reveal divers pieces of information on some trees like their age or like certain medicinal virtues of some plants of the park for example. Just what I needed to become a true horticulturist.